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You just got promoted. And now you have so many what-ifs and how-tos in your mind? It’s OK. Don’t panic.
We understand. We get it. All of a sudden, you have all these responsibilities you never had before, and you’re starting to worry you might not be able to handle them. Not only do you have to live up to the expectations of your bosses, you also have to delegate work to subordinates, and it’s beginning to stress you out. Or perhaps you’re still a lower level employee, but hoping for a change. Either way, this article can be a useful guide.
If you’re among those willing to accept a promotion to a tough new level, remember that the best opportunities usually fall to those who are the best prepared. So now could be the perfect moment to get to know how to becoming a competent manager.
Once you start moving up the ladder, you may need some training in how to form good teams. A good place to start, is by learning the four stages of effective team development. This will help you speed up your run-in period and increase the efficiency of your teams. Some people who are more experienced or older than you, might appear in your team, so it would also be good to learn how to manage people older than you to strengthen the unity of the team.
If you’re already a mid-level manager, then we have some other tips for you. Research shows that mid-level managers have the highest levels of work stress. Not only so they have higher workloads, they also have to deal with both subordinates and bosses. So, why not check out these 7 tips on how to become a successful mid-level manager.
Another challenge for mid-level ‘sandwich class’ managers is reporting upwards and brain-storming with seniors. This may seem stressful, but in fact it’s usually a golden opportunity to show the people who matter, what you can do. But to give yourself the best shot, it might be good to build up your skills on giving persuasive presentations and reports.
The above tips are all useful. But being a leader is never an easy task. So, before you do anything else, why not try this test to see how much you know about becoming a good leader.
Once you’ve set your goal (and we can help you with that too!) Career SPACE can guide you every step of way to unleash your full potential as an outstanding manager and a great leader. |