校友週 2018:秋冬養生之道及藥膳食療湯水

Alumni Week
Date: 10月25日(四)
Time: 晚上7時 - 8時
Venue: 楊健明教授伉儷演講廳(金鐘海富中心204室)
Speaker(s): 張群湘博士 - 香港大學專業進修學院中醫副教授

Alumni Week 2018 has concluded successfully. A talk on 「秋冬養生之道及藥膳食療湯水」was delivered by Dr Cheung Kwan Sheung, Associate Professor of HKU SPACE Chinese Medicine Clinics.   He shared lots of invaluable hints on Chinese medicine diet, tips on healthy habits and recommendations on suitable Chinese soups in winter.


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