Volunteer Services
HKU SPACE Volunteers: the idea behind
Social responsibility is important to many organizations and even individuals today. To realise our motto "We Learn to Serve", the ALUMNI has established HKU SPACE Volunteers to encourage alumni to engage in community work. You can now serve the community and help the needy directly by becoming a volunteer and contributing your time and care. You can also build a stronger network with other alumni members who share the same passion. Training will be provided to equip you with the required skills for volunteer services.
Our Missions
- To contribute time, knowledge and experience to help the needy
- To care for the needy through a variety of services, thereby fostering a spirit of unity and mutual support
- To promote among the ALUMNI a better understanding of social responsibility and people's livelihoods
- To enhance communication within the ALUMNI and create amicable relationships and networks
Join us if you are *
- a HKU SPACE ALUMNI Ordinary or Life Member; and
- a Hong Kong permanent resident; and
- able to work cooperatively with other volunteers; and
enthusiastic in serving others
* Registration is free
Existing Core Projects
Visit the Sick and the Poor at caring homes, to provide support and care for the needy by
- Organizing games and activities
- Visits and outing
- Join as volunteer to assist the NGOs programs/ events to help people in need in Hong Kong
- Star Alumni Mentoring Scheme: distinguished alumni and community leaders share their experiences and wisdom with HKU SPACE full-time students in talks, discussions and shadowing sessions