Alumni Week 2022

Alumni Week
Talk 1

8 Nov (Tue)
7 pm

Global Economic Prospect for 2023 (Talk Rewatch)

Talk 2

18 Nov (Fri)
7 pm

Ways to Take Care of Your Mental Health (Talk Rewatch)

Talk 3

25 Nov (Fri)
7 pm

NFT Trends 2023 (Talk Rewatch)


12 Nov (Sat)

A Day Trip to Hong Kong Geopark North-East Wonder, Lai Chi Wo and Crooked Island (Full)



The Alumni Week this year will explore a number of topical issues: the Global Recession in Europe, the US and Emerging Markets; stagflation and inflation risks; the trends and investment strategies for the stock market in Q4; and digital assets. We will also cover how to deal with stress and emotional illness and stay positive.

Finally, the outing is back! A day trip to the Hong Kong Geopark North-East Wonder, Lai Chi Wo and Crooked Island will be arranged with a maximum quota of 50!

Register NOW!


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